Logo Lebenslanges Lernen

Project sponsored with funds of the European Union, Programme LEONARDO DA VINCI

National Agency:




In Germany, the number of produced fattened pigs is continuously rising whereas the number of farms is declining. In 2007, Germany produced about 27 million pigs, one third of all pigs were produced in the federal state Niedersachsen.

The vocational training system is a dual system. It links theoretical and practical training. During the week, students attend two days the school and three days an enterprise. As Niedersachsen belongs to the federal states with a high share of pig production it also has a vocational training school (in Vechta). Only recognized training enterprises/farms with a competent trainer can host trainees. The training content entails a wide range of activities, which covers besides the specific knowledge sociopolitical, labor legislation and ecological aspects. The usual training takes three years. Various continued training possibilities are partly organized by the chamber of agriculture.

As in other countries there is a lack of trainees due to a negative image of the occupation pig breeding.


National reports